Castañer Photo History

Home Page


The purpose of this site is to collect and share historical information of Castaņer. We are puting together a history/photohistory of Castaņer. People that have stories, pictures, documents and other items that they would to share please contact me at:

Richard Groff
   tel 305-299-2501

 email: (small stuff) (larger attachments)

I can scan slides, negatives and pictures. If pictures/slides/negatives are sent to me, I will scan them cut them to CDs and return the original material and the digital images to the owner.

Please spread this as far as you can (old Castaņer hands, surviving spouces-children,churches where ever) . There is no deadline on the submission of material. If information on the pictures are available that would be nice but not necesary.

This site is a work in progress. Please let me know your opinion and any way that you feel the site can be improved.

Resource list
1-Slide shows
2-Image selection options
3-Sound clips of stories etc
4-Maps and charts
5-Guest register
6-Email list visitors (voluntary listing) enabeling contact between visitors
7-A guest discusion forum

The to do list( improvements and additions)